Journey To Love
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Flowers and Plants!
Topic: Home

White Ginger flowers smell soooooooooooo good! This bouquet is on my altar. I would be happy to just stand next to them all day long sniffing them, LOL. When I walk into my home, I smell them. When I come out of the shower, when I wake up, as I go to sleep, I smell them. They have this scent of vanilla cream with a just a drop of fruit juice in it... heavenly. The only thing is that they wilt and die pretty quickly, so you just have to have a lot of them, so you can pick them once a week and have on going heaven scent in your home!

   We also cut a big bunch of red ginger to go on the kitchen table. I just love how vibrant the red is, it is actually more of a magenta, and they just make me feel...ALIVE. Cheerful and bright. Womanly. There is a huge patch of these along the sidewalk outside, they are basically constantly producing, so I almost ALWAYS have these in my house! I just love flowers. Not only do they brighten up a room and add life to any home, but they give me a sense of comfort and safety. Like when life is basically upsidedown, at least I've got some beautiful flowers around my house to look at!

Posted by fruitofthewomb at 11:07 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 June 2008 11:26 PM NZT

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