Journey To Love
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Decluttering & More Design Pictures!
Topic: Home

TOTAL REHAUL OF THE HOME!!! This goes in tune with my gradual rehaul of the SELF. As I take loads and loads of clutter and STUFF out of my home to prep for painting, I am being VERY picky about what goes back in. A the moment, I can only cram so many things into the garage until I actually GET RID OF there is a pile for burning cardboard stuffs and a HUGE pile to be given away or to go to the dump. I am taking out all furniture too that I do not love. Doing this has turned my tiny little studio into an energy flowing spacious room that my kids and I can freely dance around in! I am trying to not put up TOO many progress pictures, just the basics, until it is DONE. Well, until it is at a satisfactory point, LOL. Here are some peaks:





Posted by fruitofthewomb at 11:05 PM NZT

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