Journey To Love
Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Topic: Earth and Sky


 Love EVERYTHING and EVERYONE beginning with YOURSELF.

Moment to moment reconnection

We are all ENERGY. A vibrational dance. I love and respect the earth, the sky, the oceans, and the fires that burn within us all.

............................BE SILENT..............................

All is well. Everyone and everything is perfect. There is a purpose for it all, and everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be.

Every moment is a new opportunity to start fresh, to live with LOVE.

I am the only one who can save me. No one else can, will, or should. I am the hero I've been waiting for. I am the only one who needs to hear and respond to my cries for help.

We are all family when it comes down to it, and we are better off being friendly toward one another.

We are not higher than anyone or anything else.

When you see with the eyes of god, everyone and everything is perfect, pure, and beautiful. It is only our thoughts that can be imperfect, impure, and ugly. Connecting to the divine can turn the thoughts off. Saying "I LOVE YOU" can connect you to the divine.












Posted by fruitofthewomb at 10:01 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 July 2008 11:37 PM NZT

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